Wednesday, 9 April 2008

Letter To College From CRC

From the CRC Committee -
First Correspondence between Dick Palmer the College Principal and the CRC Committee is as follows

22nd February 2008
Hello Dick

Ref: College Development Plans

I’m sure you’ll appreciate the proposals to rebuild the College have given rise to some concerns in the neighbourhood. Consequently a resident’s committee has been formed to monitor your plans. We have put together a set of questions we’d appreciate your responses to and they are as follows:

1. Given the demographic projections, what evidence is there that the College could attract anything like 20.000 students?
2. Has a traffic impact study been carried out – please give details
3. Has a neighbourhood study been carried out – please give details
4. Where is the funding coming from?
5. How much has been confirmed and from which sources?
6. When will the public (especially local residents) be able to see realistic and comprehensive plans?
7. What estimates of impact have you made on i. Local housing, ii. The physical ground on which the neighbourhood rests?
8. Which publicly available documents contain discussions of the development plans and where can they be accessed?
9. Who is the commissioned architect?
10. At what stage are their schematic drawings?
11. When do you expect the plans to go before the Planning Committee?
12. Are you expecting to submit a) an outline application or b) a full detailed application?
13. If you are unaware of timings do you expect it to be within the next 3 months?

These questions have put posed by a committee of residents and I have offered to submit them to you. Many thanks in anticipation of your reply. If necessary we’ll invoke the Freedom of Information Act to ensure we stay as fully informed as possible.


John Cockburn

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